Mama Gone Green is a blog dedicated to raising happy children and reducing our impact on the Earth. My name is Taryn and I am the mother of 2 young kids and an environmental studies instructor at a community college in Portland, Oregon. Please join me as I journey through life as a mama, teacher, knitter, photographer, gardener, and environmentalist!

Monday, June 3, 2013

An It's-Almost-Summer Camping Trip!

Yesterday afternoon, one of my girlfriends and I loaded up my minivan with our 4 kids and overnight gear and headed to the coast for a night of yurt camping near Astoria, OR (the town made famous by the film The Goonies). The scenery was gorgeous and the weather was great. It was my first time on this part of the Oregon coast and I am already scheming a way to make it back up there this summer. We spent some time on the beach, saw an old shipwreck, enjoyed the scenery, made s'mores over our campfire and spied several bald eagles.
There were many owies, lots of not listening, lots of laughing, a little puking and not nearly enough sleeping. But, all in all, I would say it was a success. If you arrive home in one piece and don't hate either your children or your friends, than that is a success, right?
Camping with young kids IS a lot of work and isn't exactly relaxing, but it's fun! The kids have a blast and these are the memories that they will take with them into adulthood.

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  1. Oh my goodness that fourth picture is so darn cute.

    Looks like a wonderful time. I agree with you on the a lot of work but so worth it :) We are headed out for a little camping at the end of the month, can't wait!

  2. no it is not relaxing is it! but you're right, these are going to be their memories and we should work to make them memorable :) the laughing pic is awesome.

  3. I agree with Kim, that fourth pic is so adorable!! We have been contemplating if we are going to camp this year or not...with the baby we weren't quite sure. But this post has made me favour the idea...camping is so much fun and I wouldn't want my older two to miss out.

  4. Looks like a wonderful time, a memory making expedition;)

  5. Lovely pics! We just took H camping for four days and although it was a wonderful trip we were absolutely exhausted and so ready to be home at the end of it all. :)

  6. What a wonderful joy can be camping all together! And taking from your pictures, it really has been full of fun! Thanks for the reminder, I'm calling my husband with a camping idea now :))

  7. Oooh, cannot wait to visit the Oregon coast later this summer! Looks like you had a great time! ~Lisa
