Mama Gone Green is a blog dedicated to raising happy children and reducing our impact on the Earth. My name is Taryn and I am the mother of 2 young kids and an environmental studies instructor at a community college in Portland, Oregon. Please join me as I journey through life as a mama, teacher, knitter, photographer, gardener, and environmentalist!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Yarn Along

Joining in with Ginny over at Small Things for the first yarn along of May. May? Where has this year gone?
Anyways, exciting news! I have finished Phoebe's small things sweater!! Well, almost. It still needs 2 buttons and I am currently in search of the perfect ones. So, I hope to present a finished (with buttons) sweater to you next week (with a cute little gal inside of it as well).
In terms of reading, well......., I anticipated correctly last week. I ended up getting sucked into the last book in The Hunger Games trilogy, and mostly ignored my other reading. So, for this week, I am still plodding through Paul Hawkens' Blessed Unrest and have decided to start out my stack of parenting books with The Highly Sensitive Child by Elaine Aron. And, Finn and I have been reading Stuart Little together, a few chapters a day. I remember loving it as a child, but reading it now it seems so stressful for a young child. Stuart gets himself into so many predicaments!
We have had a pretty rough start to the month of May ( I will try and post more on my own predicaments later, but the big one is that I am going to need some very expensive reconstructive dental work done, and I have no idea how we are going to pay for it) so I am hoping that we get some spring sun and warm days to brighten me up.
What are you reading? What are you knitting? Pin It Now!


  1. I am looking forward to seeing the sweater and hope you find the perfect buttons soon.
    Oh dental work, ouch! It is criminal how expensive it is! I hope you find a peaceful solution.

  2. Oh I hate dental work - not so much the procedure itself, but the cost involved. My husband & I have joked that we have paid for our dentist's vacations last year and this year already! Hope all works out for you.

  3. oh my goodness Taryn, what happened? Dental stuff is so fricking expensive it is almost impossible to pay out of pocket for it. It makes me so angry.

  4. Congrats on finishing P's sweater...can't wait to see her in it! Sorry to hear about your dental troubles. Ouch! Hope it's not too bad!

  5. Ugh dental work (good luck with it-so expensive I know), but yay on the sweater. It looks beautiful and soft. I hope you are doing well.
    ang (peach coglo)

  6. Oh the sweater looks awsome, can't wait to see if on Phoebe next week. And the dental work, yikes, sending positive vibes your way.
