Mama Gone Green is a blog dedicated to raising happy children and reducing our impact on the Earth. My name is Taryn and I am the mother of 2 young kids and an environmental studies instructor at a community college in Portland, Oregon. Please join me as I journey through life as a mama, teacher, knitter, photographer, gardener, and environmentalist!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Feeling Thankful

I know that I have mentioned my divorce a lot lately. It's actually pretty hard to not mention it. Currently divorce seems to affect every decision I make, every path I choose, every thought that comes into my mind. It's just a lot of changes. All at once.
And, if you can't imagine, divorce can often be a lonely place. Where I always used to have a partner and a confident, I now navigate a lot of my decisions alone. There are a couple of nights every week where I am the only person in my home. I no longer have that other person around who cares about my kids as much as I do. And while this can all be quite freeing, I do sometimes feel like I have been left alone to fight a battle against an entire army.
But, as the saying goes, time heals. And that is the truth. Each day things get better, easier, more normal.
And as I have also mentioned before, I am so thankful to have such wonderful friends and family to help me on this journey. The other day I received the sweetest care package from Kim over at Mothering With Mindfulness. It was full of yarn, treats, and Kim's amazing hand made soap and body butter. Kim is going through a journey similar to mine, which she has so graciously shared on her blog. It has been so nice to know that this journey is not mine alone. There are many of us strong women who are traveling this road together, right now. There have been many before us and there will be many more to come.
I am so blessed for all of these amazing people in my life. The ones who listen to me cry. The ones who watch my kids in a pinch. The ones who come over to keep me company when the nights are lonely. And the ones who somehow find the energy to send me a care package to brighten my entire week.
And even though the past 9 months have been difficult (and I know that there are still more difficult days ahead), I am not full of anger. There are a lot of emotions happening inside me right now, but what I feel most prominently is gratitude. Gratitude for the people in my life. Gratitude for the love that exists in this world. Gratitude for all of the kindness that has been bestowed upon me. So today, I feel blessed. My life may not be perfect, but it is mine, and it is good. Pin It Now!


  1. aw, that kim is the bestest!! I am glad you have a support system and can navigate this new life with friends and family!!

    1. She is pretty great! I feel so lucky to "know" you all!

  2. Take care, Taryn, this can be a testing time, but it will all turn out just fine in the end. And don't feel bad about sharing of your happenings and feelings, you've got good support here too, don't forget! Hugs!

    1. Thank you so much-- I appreciate my bloggy friends so much!

  3. I am so happy the package arrived and brought a little light into your day. While I wouldn't wish this journey on anyone, I feel comfort in knowing I am not alone on it, and that others understand exactly what I am going through. Enjoy those treats my friend, and your weekend. xo
