Mama Gone Green is a blog dedicated to raising happy children and reducing our impact on the Earth. My name is Taryn and I am the mother of 2 young kids and an environmental studies instructor at a community college in Portland, Oregon. Please join me as I journey through life as a mama, teacher, knitter, photographer, gardener, and environmentalist!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Yarn Along

Joining with Ginny at Small Thing's for this week's Yarn Along.

My knitting frenzy has returned! Well, I'm not really sure I can call it a frenzy, but I am eager to knit and look forward to sneaking in a row here and there when I can.  I have made some progress on a  plain tunic for Phoebe. The yarn I am using is so very soft, which makes it so very easy to knit with.  I also just started Phoebe's Sweater for Phoebe (of course!). I found 4 skeins at the store and had to order 8 more (they are small skeins) and after using most of a skein to knit only 8 rows, I am worried that it may not even be enough!

I am loving The Uglies, another tween sci-fi read.The first 100-ish pages were sort of slow, but I am hooked now. There is a lot of environmentalism and ecology that underlies the themes in the book, so it is right up my alley. I am looking forward to reading the others in the series as well. I am also reading The Residue Years, a book that takes pace in Portland. It's always fun to read a book that takes place in your town. You can really let yourself sink into the story.  And, I am still picking my way through Childhood and Nature. There are so many great ideas in this book-- they don't really pertain to the college level, at which I teach, but I wish I could find a way to implement some of these ideas at Finn's school. 

What are you reading? What are you knitting?
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  1. Beautiful colours you are knitting with. Happy the knitting frenzy has returned :)

  2. I love this picture and the color of the yarn is lovely! :)

  3. I'm really loving those vibrant colours of the yarns you are using! Glad the knitting love has returned. :)

  4. you have a blue theme going on in your knits, just lovely :)
