Mama Gone Green is a blog dedicated to raising happy children and reducing our impact on the Earth. My name is Taryn and I am the mother of 2 young kids and an environmental studies instructor at a community college in Portland, Oregon. Please join me as I journey through life as a mama, teacher, knitter, photographer, gardener, and environmentalist!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Yarn Along

Happily joining in with Ginny at Small Things for this week's Yarn Along. The weather here is chilly, the leaves have changed to their wonderful autumn hues, and I have finally really felt like knitting again. Not that I really stopped during the summer. I just slowed down. A lot. But now, at night, I get excited to feel the yarn between my fingers and watch what I am knitting morph into its final shape.
I just finished up a knitting project last's part of a Halloween costume so I won't spoil the surprise and I will make you all wait to see photos until after Halloween (I know, the suspense!).
Last night I decide to start this sweater for a Christmas present for Phoebe. I have only knit 1 row, but at least it is on the needles. I expect to be working on this one for awhile, as I need to get some other holiday gifts made as well and I feel a case of startitis setting in on me..... 
As for reading, the newest book on my nightstand is Raising a Sensory Smart Child. This is another "Finn" book. We have been learning a lot about him, and what is going on inside that brain of his, all of which I have been meaning to share in a post but just haven't yet found the time.
What are you knitting? What are you reading?
Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful fall! Pin It Now!


  1. That is a beautiful shade of blue! Now I want to know what the secret knitting is :/ looking forward to hearing about your son, I've been thinking of him and hoping that all is well :)

  2. oh my, that sweater is going to be lovely in that shade of blue. i find that i am more motivate to knit in the fall, along with bake more and make more stewy/soupy meals. even though here in AZ we are still in the mid 80's. lol

  3. We're both knitting in blue! Perfect colour to go with all the gold, yellow and reds, isn't it!? :)
    I too have been really feeling the need to hold some yarn between the fingers, it's a good feeling, that's for sure!

  4. Startitis, I love that! That will be a wonderful sweater. I think I feel a trip to the LYS coming on! Thinking of you and your son. We have sensory stuff here too (plus some more)-so I might know a bit of what you are experiencing. Wishing you and your fam the best,
    Ang (peach coglo)

  5. Great sweater and love your choice of blue!
