Mama Gone Green is a blog dedicated to raising happy children and reducing our impact on the Earth. My name is Taryn and I am the mother of 2 young kids and an environmental studies instructor at a community college in Portland, Oregon. Please join me as I journey through life as a mama, teacher, knitter, photographer, gardener, and environmentalist!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Frozen Puddles and Stomach Bugs

Winter weather in Portland tends to be either mild and rainy or clear and freezing. The last week has been the latter, which I don't really mind except that it does require quite a bit of bundling to go anywhere. The picture above was taken on a hike we took on New Year's Day. We had quite a lot of rain over Christmas, which caused some flooding, which then froze... so we got to hike across a giant frozen puddle. Slightly treacherous while pregnant, but it made for some cool photographs.
Sunday night Finn and I were overtaken by the stomach flu. It only lasted until yesterday morning, but I feel like it has taken me until today to recovery my energy. Hoping to recover enough to enjoy some more non-rainy (but cold) weather before the rains are due to return at the end of this week. Pin It Now!

1 comment:

  1. this reminds me of the photo of Finn jumping in the puddle- Glad you are on the mend!!!
