Mama Gone Green is a blog dedicated to raising happy children and reducing our impact on the Earth. My name is Taryn and I am the mother of 2 young kids and an environmental studies instructor at a community college in Portland, Oregon. Please join me as I journey through life as a mama, teacher, knitter, photographer, gardener, and environmentalist!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Belly Cast

I still have 4 weeks until my due date, but as Finn came 3 weeks early I have suddenly felt all of this pressure to get things done within the next week, just in case this little one is as early as her brother. So yesterday, despite the lack of motivation, Todd (and Finn) made my belly cast.
When I compared it with Finn's belly cast, it was amazing to see how differently my body is shaped in this pregnancy versus my last... I obviously already knew that I was carrying differently this time around, but it was cool to see it side by side. I am pretty sure I am carrying differently because #2 is a girl... and EVERYTHING about this pregnancy has been different!
Have you carried differently in pregnancies? Do you think it was due to gender, being stretched out, or just a different baby?
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  1. Hi Taryn, Just found your blog! You look wonderful.
    I have one girl and three boys~ and carried differently with each and every one of 'em. My pregnancies were all very different too. I believe it was just my body was more stretched out, and each baby has been very different. I also had two healthy pregnancies (two and three), and two high risk ones (one and four).
    Great blog~ and good luck on the birth!

  2. That's so neat! I wanted to do a belly cast with my first pregnancy, but just never got around to it (despite having 41 weeks to do it..haha).

    This time, I am definitely carrying differently. I'm bigger (even though I've gained less weight), which makes me assume the baby is going to be bigger...I'm also carrying a lot higher.

    I'm not sure why other than its my second baby, since they are both boys!

  3. wow you almost already :D

    Congratulations !!!

  4. I carried all three the same but I'm short and petit and I just figured they had no where else to go than out. :) However, my girl was my hardest. I was SOOOO very sick. I'm never very well during pregnancy, but hers was by far, very bad. I was in survival mode for 9 months. I thought for sure my then 2 yr old would get addicted to TV. :) Not only was I very sick, but she was also just painful to carry. She moved like crazy, squishing things and pinching things, and kicking HARD...even kicking my sternum! I can tell that my body has recieved each pregnancy a little less gracefully too b/c each one has been a bit worse as far as the aches and pains go, but I hear that's normal as things get more stretched out each time. We'll see how a 4th goes one day. It'll be interesting.

  5. Love it! I've been meaning to do this as well and with my due date looming I should probably get on it! :)

  6. Well I didn't notice any differences in the way I carried them but my belly cast for #2 was wider at the hips with saggier
