Mama Gone Green is a blog dedicated to raising happy children and reducing our impact on the Earth. My name is Taryn and I am the mother of 2 young kids and an environmental studies instructor at a community college in Portland, Oregon. Please join me as I journey through life as a mama, teacher, knitter, photographer, gardener, and environmentalist!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Mama-Only Overnight

Me and two of my close mama-friends packed up and headed to the coast Friday afternoon for a mama-only overnight in a yurt. We spent the night at Beverly Beach, near Newport, which is a gorgeous state park surrounded by trees.  We got to our yurt around 8, and spent the evening snacking, drinking margaritas, and laughing. The next morning we all stayed in bed until 8 (way past my normal time) and then headed to the beach. It was glorious to just sit and relax... without having to pay attention to kids, or apply sunscreen, or wash sand out of small eyes. We sat and talked, looked for agates, and enjoyed the quiet. The weather was amazing- warm and sunny with a wonderful breeze. On the way home we took the long way, stopped for Mexican food, and pulled over to sightsee whenever the urge set in.
I love my kids. A lot. But it was amazing to have 24 hours where I was responsible for only myself. I didn't have to listen to whining, didn't have to beg children to go to bed, or even do any dishes. I think we may have to make this a regular thing. A mama deserves a night off every month, right?

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  1. That isn't what I thought a yurt would look like- it looks really nice. All parents need time away from their kiddos!!!

  2. Sounds like a great little get-away! Beautiful pictures of the coast! It can be very restorative to have just a few hours away from daily responsibilities - even when we LOVE those responsibilities! Enjoy the coming week.

  3. uh wow! Lucky you. I'm trying to convince my husband to let me stay the night at the la Quinta inn down the street for my birthday lol.

  4. those alone weekends are restorative aren't they? Glad you had fun and sun and sand all rolled into a weekend :)

  5. Sounds like an amazing time! I'm glad you got to take some time for yourself. It looks like a beautiful place!

  6. Oh it sounds just lovely. Glad you took some time for you!!

  7. Yes! Mamas absolutely need time away from their kids and the everyday 'mom routine'. Sounds like you had the perfect little break!
