Mama Gone Green is a blog dedicated to raising happy children and reducing our impact on the Earth. My name is Taryn and I am the mother of 2 young kids and an environmental studies instructor at a community college in Portland, Oregon. Please join me as I journey through life as a mama, teacher, knitter, photographer, gardener, and environmentalist!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

One Thing, One Month

My too-short summer break ended last week, and as of last Wednesday I was back in teacher mode. The beginning of a new term is always filled with much anticipation (and a wee bit of anxiety), but I am always hopeful of how I may change my students lives, and how they may change mine, over the course of the term.
Today I offered up an extra credit project to my class. It's the same project I offer every time I teach this particular class, and I always get a huge kick out of the results. In order to earn the extra credit, I ask students to significantly change something in their lives through the course of the term that will reduce the footprint they leave on this earth.
I have had a whole host of projects over the past couple of years, but some of the more common ones are reducing meat consumption, driving less, taking shorter showers, reducing use of plastics and, well, I think you get the picture. The projects vary depending on the current lifestyle of each student, with some taking more baby steps than others. I ask the students to keep a journal of their trials and tribulations (times when they may fail or cave in) and how they are feeling about their project. Not all are 100% successful, but everyone who participates develops a much greater awareness of the positive impact they can make through their actions. Many of my students decide to keep their lower-impact lifestyles even after the term ends (and that, really, is my secret goal!)
So, I would like to invite you all to participate in a project to reduce your impact on this earth for the month of October. Personally, I am going to pledge to not buy anything new during the month of October (exceptions are food and toilet paper and craft materials, like fabric and yarn, so that I can still make handmade goods). I do already try to buy used as much as possible, but I do find myself grabbing a last-minute toddler birthday present that I didn't have time to make or another needed household good more times than I would like. Buying nothing new makes me have to plan ahead for what I need and therefore buy only what I do need. Honestly, for this challenge, I really wanted to cut out all processed foods that were packaged in plastics (like crackers, sliced bread, corn ships, etc.) out of my diet for a month, but I am afraid that the tiredness and hungriness of being pregnant will push me to failure. However, I would like to challenge myself to that after the new baby is born and life settles down again. So, for now, I will 'settle' for buying nothing new and finding EVERYTHING I need either second-hand or making it myself! What can YOU do for a month to reduce your impact? If you want to participate, leave a comment with what you can do! One thing, one month! Pin It Now!


  1. I totally want to participate- Count me IN but give me some time to think about it- There are still two days left before Oct!

  2. I'm in. Last year we made a deal with some friends that we would not buy anything new for one solid year. Well, as you can imagine, I failed. We did say that if we bought anything new, we would have to donate at least 5 things, which I did do, but one year was too long to start something like that, for me. So, I will give myself another go with a more do-able timeline, and like you, will buy nothing new for one month! Thanks for the inspiration!
