Watermark is a documentary that explores the importance of water through images. The film takes viewers across the globe, showing the ways in which different cultures use, abuse, and revere water. The images are stunning, and this film is worth watching for the visuals alone. Each moment of the film is like looking at an amazing photograph.
Watermark is not your typical documentary. Most of the film is accompanied by a musical soundtrack, and although there are spoken words at some points, it is not constant. There is not any harping on an issue, or cramming facts into a two hour film. Instead the viewer is allowed to just watch, take in the beauty, and take away what they choose.
This film is especially relevant for me, as I am teaching about water in my class for the next two weeks. This film touches on so many of the topics that I will be teaching, but without the spoken explanation. Teaching through pictures. I love it.
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