Mama Gone Green is a blog dedicated to raising happy children and reducing our impact on the Earth. My name is Taryn and I am the mother of 2 young kids and an environmental studies instructor at a community college in Portland, Oregon. Please join me as I journey through life as a mama, teacher, knitter, photographer, gardener, and environmentalist!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Say NO to Pesticides!

Pesticides are routinely used without second thought to rid homes and yards of unwanted pests. However, pesticides can cause dangerous health effects including cancer, asthma, developmental disabilities and birth defects, and these dangers are even more pronounced when the exposure is by children. Children are still developing both physically and mentally, and exposure to pesticides, or any chemicals, during this sensitive time can cause long-term damage-- even at very low exposure levels. Not to mention the environmental havoc that is wreaked by pesticides entering waterways and natural areas.
So, think twice before spraying your garden and yard with harmful chemicals. Do some internet research and figure out ways to rid your yard of unwanted pests in more natural ways. I was having some serious battles with slugs earlier this summer, but after baiting them with beer and hunting them out of my strawberry patch, we have come to a slug level that I can tolerate. I think that some small amounts of plant loss are OK... I don't mind sharing a few of my strawberries... I just want most of them for myself.
In order to reduce temptations for swarms of pests, plant a whole variety of different things in your yard and don't plant huge blocks of space with the same plants. Mix it up! Confuse those bugs! Also, rotate your garden crops and don't grow the same things in the same spots year after year... that is just asking for trouble.
Yes, ridding your pests in organic ways may not be as easy and may take some more time. And yes, you may still see an ant or two around the house or a snail in your garden, but I believe that is a small price to pay to insure that you and your children are not being poisoned! Plus, kids usually think that bugs are totally cool, so the bugs in your yard can be a great learning opportunity for your budding naturalist!
Furthermore, remember that many bugs are good bugs and do important chores in your yard (like pollinating (bees) and eating the bad bugs (spiders)). If you spray pesticides, you not only get rid of the bugs you don't want, but you will lose the ones you do want as well! So keep your home and yard kid-healthy and chemical-free and let the good bugs take up residence in your yard.
AND.. what about your child's school where they spend so much of their time away from home? Contact the school and find out how they treat unwanted 'guests' both inside the school and out. If toxic chemicals are used, spread the word, gain some community support and petition against the use of chemicals in schools. If you live in Oregon you can contact Oregon Toxic Alliance. They recently helped to pass a bill that requires the use of Integrated Pest Management techniques in schools, which will greatly reduce the amount of pesticides and toxic chemicals that children are exposed to. If you live outside of Oregon, see if your state has a similar organization.
Children expect us to look after their best interests-- so is it really fair to expose them to chemicals that could have long term effects on their health? Let's keep our kids safe and just say no to pesticides! Pin It Now!

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