My almost 2-year old son is infatuated with stickers. Stickers can be loads of fun, sure (I am in my 30's and still have a box of MY, I repeat, not for my kid, but MY stickers) but when they get forgotten on clothes, and then thrown into the washer and dryer......the adhesive they leave behind is a gooey mess.
I recently had my first struggle with forgotten-sticker crisis. My son left a sticker on his brand new dinosaur shirt that I made and it went unseen until I pulled it from the dryer. There was a huge sticky-gross mark on the top center of the shirt. Ugg. So, I began my internet research for a technique that a) was non-toxic b) did not cost money and c) did not involve making a bigger mess than the one that had already occurred. That left me with one good-sounding solution, which I tried, and it worked.
Get out your iron and a paper towel. If you are like me and do not keep paper towels in your house, go to the nearest coffee shop, sit and drink a tea, and steal a paper towel on your way out. Once you get home, turn the iron onto a dry heat, put the paper towel over the spot of sticker adhesive and press the iron down. Voila!
In my attempt, the adhesive did not all just stick to the paper towel in the magical way that the internet posting I read had declared, but it did remove most of it, and the rest I could scrape off with my fingernail while it was still warm. Good as new, and I did not have to buy anything or use any questionable products. Pin It Now!
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