Now that you are aware of the benefits of cloth diapers, why not take the next step and make your own cloth wipes instead of buying the disposables. This is not only better for the environment, but will save you quite a bit of cash. When we travel, we use the 7th Generation (chlorine-free) wipes, which run about $5 for 80 wipes. My kiddo often has what I like to refer to as a "4-wipe diaper change", which can run you through a pack of wipes in a week or so. Cloth wipes are super easy, and since you are already washing dirty diapers, it is not any extra work.
To make your own wipes, first find some soft material. I took an old flannel sheet and cut it into small squares. Then I quickly sewed around the edge of each square to prevent fraying. You can also purchase pre-made reusable wipes at your local cloth diaper store (I actually got some for free with our last cloth diaper purchase) or you can even buy some soft baby-size washrags. Anything that is soft for baby's bum and thick enough to withstand a good wipe will work.
Next, find a tupperware to dedicate to your wipes. I like to use the ones that are about 5in x 3 in, but use what suits your needs.
Now it is time to make your own wipe solution. You will need:
-warm water- about 2 cups
-baby wash/shampoo- a couple of tablespoons
-baby oil- a couple of tablespoons
Put all the ingredients into your tupperware and voila! You are ready to go! You can either leave the cloth wipes in the solution, or dip them in when ready. I prefer to have the wipe stack separate and I usually wet half in the solution and use the other dry half to dry baby's bottom afterwards. But, experiment with what works best for you!
My family still uses disposable wipes for on-the-go, as carrying a tupperware is bulky and has the potential to leak. If you are going on short trips (ie; to run errands) you can always wet a cloth wipe or two and put in a plastic bag to bring along with you (but only if you are going to reuse that plastic bag when you are done!).
One more note-- if you buy nice, thick wipes (like 7th Generation) you can throw the used ones right in with your load of diapers. Wash them and dry them, and I have found they are good for 3-4 uses. Pin It Now!