Monday, October 14, 2013

A Day in Hood River

We had a fantastic long weekend. Friday we headed to an amazing farm to pick out pumpkins, and Friday night we took the kids to the LegoFest event that was in Portland. I don't think I have ever seen Finn as excited before- legos, legos, everywhere!
Saturday we spent the day in Hood River. We went on a hike (although not the one we had planned on, as the access to our planned hike was through a Forest Service campground-- thanks congress...). We then headed to a brewery for lunch, and ended the day with a drive around the fruit loop and a quick stop to pick some apples. The weather was cloudy and rainy, which meant we didn't get to see the magnificence of Mt. Hood, but it was still gorgeous and wonderful to get out of the city for the day.
Sunday we got to enjoy some sunshine and Todd and I had date night to see the Timbers soccer match. The sunny weather is supposed to last throughout the week, so I am planning on soaking up as much as we can. How was your weekend?


  1. Great pics, looks like an awesome hike.

  2. love the green in your photos, around here everything is multicolored and dropping off the trees fast!
