Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Ducks Disapprove

This morning, I was out on our back porch painting a huge banner for my class field trip this coming Friday morning. We are joining in on Climate Impacts Day with, and our event is to take a picture of my class on a 3rd story balcony (with Bill Bradubury, the ex-Oregon Secretary of State and an awesome climate change activist)! The banner reads "30 feet of glacial debris slid down Mt. Hood". It refers to a big rain-on-snow event that happened from some warm winter temperatures a few years back. It ended up causing some major mudslides and destruction.
Anyways, I painted the first coat and came inside while I waited for it to dry. When I headed back out to paint the next coat, this is what I found:

Thanks ducks, for pooping on my sign. They managed to hop over a small fence (something they do about twice a year) and left a big ol' present right in the middle. I tried to cover it up the best I can, but.... it's not completely gone. I guess my ducks are against global warming?
I had to laugh at the situation, even if it was pretty crappy. He-he.


  1. Haha. Too funny! We've got a pair of wild Mallards who have decided our front yard is where they're going to hang out when they're not at our neighbors' pond. They've become so sociable they come up to the kids. Needless to say, our front walk is in even worse shape than your sign!

  2. Haha, this is too funny!!!

  3. They wanted to add their two cents- how funny is that.
