Monday, January 30, 2012


Joining in with Amanda from Habit of Being for a weekending post....

On Saturday...
A trip to the river-beach to take the dogs (and ourselves) to run and play and sit in the sand.
It was beautiful and frozen, the sky a pale colored pink.
We watched the frost turn to dew while we enjoyed the morning
And I documented it all in photographs.
We ran a few errands, I cleaned the car
And mama and daughter had some one-on-one time
while dad took Finn to a birthday party.
Dinner was Thai take-out
Eaten while watching Winnie the Pooh,
And dishes were magnificently minimal.
Todd and I finished up the evening watching an adult movie,
(enough Pooh for us for one day)
while I knitted away, of course.
On Sunday....
I dragged my tired self to the gym
And while Finn helped his dad move into his new office,
which, I must say, is pretty fantastic,
Phoebe took a nap
And I had some time to myself, which, was spent prepping for my class
(and sadly not doing anything fun).
Then a family trip to the Chinese Gardens
to watch the lion dances
and celebrate the Chinese New Year.
A little time sewing, stocking up my etsy shop,
And a dinner that was cooked on the grill
while rain pitter-pattered on the windows.
After bedtime and dishes,
Me, and my glass of wine, headed for the couch.
A pile of yarn and a book by my side.

So much was done, yet it seemed too short.
How was your weekend?

And, I must apologize for the mass of photos. I recently got a new camera, and I have been a bit trigger-happy, to say the least.


  1. Never apologize for too many photos. Quite lovely indeed. Love the frost on the mushrooms and your silly baby in your husband's arms. Good times for your weekend. But I agree - it went by too quickly. Ours? My husband spent most of Friday evening and all day Saturday 'putting out a fire' at work. I'm looking forward to other weekends where there is nothing on the docket.

  2. i loved all the photos!

    and yes, your weekend sounds full and lovely. love that you ended it on the sofa with wine, book, knitting :)

  3. great pics! Love the one with the hat covering her eyes :-) I'm waiting for my camera to be fixed, a new one sounds fun!

  4. Love the pictures! Your dogs are adorable.
